Thursday, April 25, 2024
4:14 PM

  1. The Empty Seat in Strasbourg
  2. Analysis: Albania’s parliament undermines Constitutional Court in Xhaçka ruling
  3. Unprecedented corruption arrests sweep shakes up Tirana mayor’s leadership
  4. Deadly crash near Albanian-Greek border puts spotlight on Balkan irregular migration route 
  5. Albania’s sovereign credit rating upgraded by major int’l agency
  6. Reflecting renewed emigration wave, remittances to Albania reached record high in 2023
  7. AIIS brings ‘A Concise History of Greece’ in Albanian, Tirana event launches book with author and Greek Embassy
  8. “Vatra” e Luzatit Reborn – Descendants Remember and Respect the Past
  9. In Himara’s lucrative coastline, land deals lead to acting mayor’s arrest and political limbo
  10. Albania ranks least happy in Europe, again, UN report finds