Tuesday, October 22, 2024
9:51 AM

  1. Detention has been  extended and the investigation is progressing well
  2. Unusual activity: Many geysers are more powerful than before
  3. Icelanders could be a part of a Nordic army
  4. Presidential candidates flock to run for office in the coming elections
  5. Kerlingarfjöll Highland Base nominated for the Iceland Design Award
  6. Iceland could be a reception site for solar power plants in space
  7. "The risk has been greatly overestimated"
  8. Access to Grindavík will be unimpeded
  9. In agreement on completing the budget
  10. Will the Left-Green ministers attend the cabinet meeting today?
  11. "A very clear declaration of no confidence in Benediktsson"
  12. Svavarsdóttir excludes the Left-Green Movement's participation in the acting government
  13. Dissolves parliament and calls for elections
  14. Claims Svavarsdóttir is responsible for the dissolution of the government
  15. Series of earthquakes on the Reykjanes Ridge last night
  16. The President will talk to other chairmen and take her time
  17. The government’s cooperation has been terminated
  18. Media meeting at 15:30 today at the Government Headquarters
  19. "There must be a working environment in the government"
  20. Can explode at any time